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Intensely Focused

I'm not obsessed, I'm just intensely focued.

Currently reading

Home Improvement: Undead Edition
Charlaine Harris, Toni L.P. Kelner
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories, Volume I
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Inheritance of Loss - Kiran Desai I didn't like this book. Maybe it was an inability to empathize with another culture, but I think the more likely (I hope) explanation is that it felt like all the characters were given a very surface level treatment. There were 5 (arguably 6) characters the reader is supposed to care about but none of them are even close to being fully developed. I think it would have been a much stronger book if the author had focused on one or two characters and really developed them.

I'm also not sure why there were the occasional sentences in what I think was Hindi. The characters all speak English (or at least, they are written so that we understand what they say in English) except for random bouts of Hindi. The Hindi isn't translated, and since it's not just a word or a phrase without an English equivalent, I'm not sure what the point was. I assume that some of the characters didn't really communicate in English, but since the book was written in English, the speech was mostly English.